5 Hobbies That Involve Chemistry (Get Your Mix On Right Now)


If you’re a science buff or enjoy working with various elements or compounds then picking up a hobby that involves chemistry is probably the right move.

In fact, many hobbies can require some degree of chemistry that you may not have thought of which we’ll go through below.

Chemistry doesn’t have to be hard either, it just requires precision which is easy to do if you’re good at following set instructions or rules.

With that said, chemistry can be open to some variation and a degree of experimentation if you’re that way inclined; just make sure you’re doing it safely with the right equipment to prevent catastrophes from happening.

It also helps to have the proper equipment to perform your chemistry-based hobbies as some of your experiments or crafts will require certain conditions to be met before they work which we’ll also elaborate on further down in our list.

Lastly, it’s worth mentioning that chemistry-based hobbies can vary and some may require lots of time, even weeks, whilst some may require very little time and can be done very quickly.

Whatever you decide to go for we’re sure you’ll find something that suits your needs that gives you some insight into the world of chemistry.

Get Your Science On With These 5 Chemistry-Based Hobbies

1. Homebrewing

At its most basic level, homebrewing is the process of making your own alcohol which can be done by fermenting sugar with staple ingredients like yeast, distilled water, and an airlock to prevent oxidation.

Creating alcohol that you can enjoy is a different ballgame and can be done with a variety of ingredients to create different flavors that can be introduced through the creation process.

There are different kinds of yeasts that will react differently to alcohol levels which means you’ll also need to buy the right kind to make the process work properly.

Homebrewing is very nuanced, and just like any good chemistry experiment requires proper preparation or foreknowledge before you start your endeavors.

With that said, it can be an extremely rewarding process once you start finding your groove and are able to produce tasty wines or beers to be enjoyed year-round or for special occasions.

Brewing alcohol can take some time so try to make the most of it by learning additional homebrewing techniques via YouTube or a decent homebrewing book.

You can also get a homebrewing starter kit just to get an idea of what to expect from the whole process which we recommend trying first before buying potentially expensive equipment.

2. Cookery

Cookery is another hobby that many people do not associate with chemistry because of assumptions that you need to have a lab coat, beakers, Bunsen burners, and other dedicated apparatus to qualify as a chemist.

With that said though, cookery is definitely a hobby that involves chemical processes such as the application of heat (or cold) to prompt physical changes, blending to mix ingredients together, and invoking raw chemistry to create exciting experiences in the mouth.

In fact, we believe this is the best way to look at cooking as it gives you a greater appreciation and deeper knowledge of the whole process rather than just chucking a few things together without knowing why.

Cookery is another very satisfying branch of chemistry as it allows you to enjoy the contents of your creations and to surprise others with different food items that you’re able to make for them.

Similar to other chemistry-based hobbies, you’ll want a decent cookery book to help you get started with the different processes and to enlighten you on what kind of equipment you’ll need or find useful.

Some other useful items include electronic scales for measuring, a set of pans for cooking in, and various utensils for chopping, scooping, or flipping your food.

You can get a starter kit with different utensils which is a great place to start if you’re not sure what to get for your cookery journey.

3. Blacksmithing

Blacksmithing is a hobby that has origins dating back to around 1300BC when the Hittites forged and tempered iron ore into usable objects.

This process of tempering, forging, and purifying metals is deeply rooted in branches of chemistry where one could not work without the other.

Modern blacksmiths often use a mixture of metal alloys such as steel or brass to create a variety of objects like kitchen cutlery, decorative weaponry, instruments, and screws.

In case you didn’t know, a metal alloy is the result of multiple metals (or elements) being blended together to create a superior product or something that has desirable traits for the intended purpose.

For example, brass is usually used in instruments due to better acoustic (sound) properties hence why you see brass trumpets.

Blacksmithing is deeply involved with chemical processes and requires a good understanding of metallurgy which is a branch of science that involves the study of chemical behavior in metallic elements.

If you’re wanting to get involved with blacksmithing then we would advocate doing thorough research beforehand as it can be an incredibly expensive hobby if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Hand forging is the best place to get started and will only require things like a forge, anvil, hammer, heat-resistant gloves, tongs, and some material to work with.

YouTube is a great place to learn this craft and so you can take advice from the experts in the industry who have been doing it for years.

It might also be worth picking up a book on blacksmithing to make sure you have good foundational knowledge that you can apply through the whole process.

4. Woodworking

Similar to blacksmithing, woodworking is a multi-faceted hobby that requires intricate knowledge of wood materials and how they respond to heat, cold, and the introduction of external chemicals to further enhance your creations.

One particular area of woodworking, pyrography, requires the deliberate application of fire and flames to create beautiful artworks or specialized pieces of equipment that can only be gotten from carrying out such a process.

To some people, it could seem counterintuitive to burn wood but it’s a process that can be used cleverly to yield stunning products that could not be made any other way.

This is where chemistry plays its part in being able to compound or augment your woodworking hobby in the most interesting ways which are why we recommend studying beforehand.

We’ve also discussed the cost of getting into woodworking as a hobby before and whether it’s still a popular interest amongst people.

5. Amateur Chemistry

Perhaps at its most raw level, doing chemistry deliberately to understand chemical processes and how certain things react with each other is extremely vast which may help open up specific areas of interest that you may want to do as a hobby.

This can help you create useful compounds that you can use around the home or make cool experiments to show your kids.

It will also help get you closer to how the world around us works which is really important as you can leverage that knowledge in day-to-day applications.

Overall, carrying out chemical experiments can be a beautiful process but can also demonstrate the raw power of the world we know.

Chemistry is best treated with caution and care as it can lead to severe injuries or damage if you’re not carrying out the proper safety processes.

Lastly, chemistry is not as accessible as it used to be due to the prevalence of domestic terrorism or targeted incidents such as acid attacks which is why it’s very hard to source specific chemicals through mainstream websites like Amazon.

You can however get started with a glassware kit that includes all of the necessary jars and beakers to hold your chemicals in.

You’ll have to order from specific chemical reseller websites but most of them require a business license to purchase which is why you may have to get inventive.

As with anything, prior study and research can help you accomplish and source many of the ingredients you would need to carry out your experiments.


Many hobbies involve chemistry yet most people don’t realize it due to the misconception that you need a lab coat and special apparatus to carry out dedicated experiments.

Understanding chemistry is an important area of knowledge as it will allow you to manipulate the fundamental building blocks of whatever you’re working with.

Hopefully, our list has given you some insight into what we would class as a hobby that involves chemistry and what you can get started with to satisfy that interest.

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If you didn’t manage to find anything in this article then make sure to jump over to our ultimate list of hobbies that includes a wide variety of passions and pastimes to peruse.